Vito Willems


Escape From The Wheel
Time Vacuum III
Loud Silence
Contra Marītō
Time Vacuum II
Time Vacuum I
Resonance and Repetition
The Charge
Castle 6
Governors of the Æther
Fluxus Noesis
Membrane Series
Panoptic Emissions
Open Axis
Cube of Space
Impossible Interaction

Collaborative Projects>

Passage I
Fragile Ecologies
Dharma Initiatives
Disruptive Silence


Decentralizing Authorship, Decentralizing the Self
Non-Hierarchical Modes of Listening
The Divinity of Art and the Destruction of Classification
Virtuality and the Superdynamical
Fluid Space & Transphysical Entities
Noema #1 | Noema #2

© 2015-2022
Time Vacuum II (2021)  as in.finit
Intra-Active Installation | Pentaphonic Sound


22.08.2021 - 29.08.2021 | OIIOIOOI - Torhaus, Stadt Wehlen (DE)


Sound and Signal Processing in Max/MSP
Serial Communication in Arduino (C++)


5 Loudspeakers and Custom Amplifiers, 2 Omnidirectional Microphones, 4 Modified and Infused Radio's, 2 Analog Synthesisers, Modular Analog Interface and Synthesizer, Found and Brought Objects, Computer with Custom Software


As an iteration of previous framework, Time Vacuum II is a time-capsule that collects and recalls memory and thought into a variety of spatially dispersed sonic fragments, recovered agencies, sculpting a collective brain. A mutation of the ghost in the machine, spiraling into a variety of transformative processes: modifying temporal elasticity, regrading resolutions: a multiverse of co-existing “virtual traces” emerges; the conglomeration of generative past, activating now and constructive future. By absorbing and projecting back these agencies simultaneously, as well as deconstructing and reproducing the environment recursively, the process transcends. The material traverses into a variety of mediatic intentions as collective alteration. A memory system to be relived, a constellation out of "forsched" material, all brought by passengers along.